The inaugural issue of Ghadar focuses on the gender-capitalism nexus. Articles in this issue examine the linkages between patriarchal practices and the current conjuncture of global capitalism.

The second issue of Ghadar critically examines the 50th Year of Independence celebrations. Highlights: an interview with Kancha Ilaiah and a poem by Amitava Kumar.

The third issue of Ghadar presents a critique of Gail Omvedt's endorsement of liberalization, reviews of MAI and Achin Vanaik's new book, plus a report on the historic New York taxi drivers' strike.

The fourth issue of Ghadar focuses on culture and cultural politics in South Asia and its diaspora.

The fifth issue of Ghadar examines the BJP Government's Educational Policy Framework and reviews Urdu poetry and Suri's "Death of Vishnu"

The sixth issue of Ghadar asks the question: "What is 'left' after 9/11?" and examines newer challenges for South Asian organizers. It also contains poetry, including translations of Sukanto Bhattacharya.

First published in Ghadar []